Title : Mota Funk Robot
Hello everybody i am Djzleite, came from Porto Portugal, bought space shuttle and moving mars soon, Bush is destroying humans, terror & hate spreading fast, the winds of evil are colonising earth, destroying humanoids, obey Bush command, be a blind robot, mota foka: Jack arse, Exzakt, TeeCee, T-Pap, Nastelectro, Audiobot, Mr Drex, foka motas, and so on.
Big up´s to Gab Gato, Dj Bad, Laite, Selekta Starjna, Ib, Medooza, Juska, Mellymel, Kim, Sukeban, Rascal Electro Empire, Electrofunk30, Russ2000. (0:50)
Bboys Bgirls breakdance in the dance floor, feel tha beat, bust a move, electric boogie, Djzleite and his laptop, producing the breakers perfect beats, about Dj´s Z tha best, forget the rest.
Portugal breakdance, Florida breakdance, Belgium breakdance, Uk and so on.
Bush is bustin tha mad cow, Sadam hiden in space shuttle, in the surgery automated machines, 2003 the end, no job, no food, polution, war, terror and hate, final count down, it is tha bomb, beware out there, they´r shaking tha snake, what tha hell, what tha fuck, Bush is a damn gerk, killing inocent people around the globe, fuck Bush, fuck Blair, fuck Saddam, and, fuck You too, from me and the crew and so on, mota fokas.
Mess with the best, die like the rest, hack EA, save EE, Cee, USA start to pray, make love not war, mota fuckin arrongant emperialists, you know it´s true so fuck you mercenaries of hate, Israel, Palestine, USA, Iraq, Pakistan, N Korea, Afganistan, Soviet Union breakdance.
Aznar cabron acaba con la poluicion, te has vendido a los Americanos perro de mierda, Durão Barroso eres un merdoso, Galego amigo Portugal está contigo.
No need to fear because the age of the atom now is here, jam on planet rock, renegades of funk, zulu nation, afrika islam, capoeira breakdance, CIA, FBI, KGB, can´t you see.
Open your mind feel the beat, on the dance floor Djzleite is the best, about mc´s forget the rest, dopest beats and robotic voices, beaming all breakers out there, beware brain wash, electro cosmic waves, space is the place for human race, because Bush is bombing our poluted earth, Bush is suckin Iraq oil, his bitch is suckin the camels, Saddam hiden in space station with Bin Laden, Kadafi hyjackin the space shuttle to join em.
Portuguese landing on Mars, to build the new electro empire, sattelite, internet, light speed, color tv, breakdance electro boogie, moonwalk, headspin, surgery bombing, freeze, mushroom, suicide, mad cow, MI5, nuclear age, drop the bomb over humanoids, Jackass mota fokas.
If electrocore is new skool bring me back the old skool, Exzakt is a crap.
Independent artists are the key, others should get a job and start working.
Poladroid is humanoid, Natan Vance geting his chance, J-Break is not fake, Teflon you are a cabron, Emil an imbecil, space invaders, starwars, ufo, aliens, black holes, meteorites, cosmic rain, solar wind, big bang, breakdance, 3 am time to sleep, God bless friends and enemies, Djzleite Porto Portugal representing, peace mota fokas !!! (4:54).
Big up´s to Gab Gato, Dj Bad, Laite, Selekta Starjna, Ib, Medooza, Juska, Mellymel, Kim, Sukeban, Rascal Electro Empire, Electrofunk30, Russ2000. (0:50)
Bboys Bgirls breakdance in the dance floor, feel tha beat, bust a move, electric boogie, Djzleite and his laptop, producing the breakers perfect beats, about Dj´s Z tha best, forget the rest.
Portugal breakdance, Florida breakdance, Belgium breakdance, Uk and so on.
Bush is bustin tha mad cow, Sadam hiden in space shuttle, in the surgery automated machines, 2003 the end, no job, no food, polution, war, terror and hate, final count down, it is tha bomb, beware out there, they´r shaking tha snake, what tha hell, what tha fuck, Bush is a damn gerk, killing inocent people around the globe, fuck Bush, fuck Blair, fuck Saddam, and, fuck You too, from me and the crew and so on, mota fokas.
Mess with the best, die like the rest, hack EA, save EE, Cee, USA start to pray, make love not war, mota fuckin arrongant emperialists, you know it´s true so fuck you mercenaries of hate, Israel, Palestine, USA, Iraq, Pakistan, N Korea, Afganistan, Soviet Union breakdance.
Aznar cabron acaba con la poluicion, te has vendido a los Americanos perro de mierda, Durão Barroso eres un merdoso, Galego amigo Portugal está contigo.
No need to fear because the age of the atom now is here, jam on planet rock, renegades of funk, zulu nation, afrika islam, capoeira breakdance, CIA, FBI, KGB, can´t you see.
Open your mind feel the beat, on the dance floor Djzleite is the best, about mc´s forget the rest, dopest beats and robotic voices, beaming all breakers out there, beware brain wash, electro cosmic waves, space is the place for human race, because Bush is bombing our poluted earth, Bush is suckin Iraq oil, his bitch is suckin the camels, Saddam hiden in space station with Bin Laden, Kadafi hyjackin the space shuttle to join em.
Portuguese landing on Mars, to build the new electro empire, sattelite, internet, light speed, color tv, breakdance electro boogie, moonwalk, headspin, surgery bombing, freeze, mushroom, suicide, mad cow, MI5, nuclear age, drop the bomb over humanoids, Jackass mota fokas.
If electrocore is new skool bring me back the old skool, Exzakt is a crap.
Independent artists are the key, others should get a job and start working.
Poladroid is humanoid, Natan Vance geting his chance, J-Break is not fake, Teflon you are a cabron, Emil an imbecil, space invaders, starwars, ufo, aliens, black holes, meteorites, cosmic rain, solar wind, big bang, breakdance, 3 am time to sleep, God bless friends and enemies, Djzleite Porto Portugal representing, peace mota fokas !!! (4:54).